Rubén Martínez
Expert in urban planning and ecological transition
He holds a Doctorate in Public Policies and Social Transformation from the UAB (2018) and a Master in Political Science (UAB, 2014). Over the course of a decade, he carried out research on the economy of culture and the practices of social innovation in juxtaposition with the eco-social crisis in Europe and Latin America. He published various academic articles on this subject. He taught at undergraduate, master, and doctorate levels at BAU, UAB, UOC, and other academic institutions.
He is currently undertaking research on the relationships between property regimes, environmentalism, and public planning with the publication of reports such as La Solució Verda. He is the co-author of books including Barcelona Metròpoli-Empresa (Virus, 2024), Ciudades Democráticas: la Revuelta Municipalista en el Ciclo Post 15M (Icaria, 2019), and Barris i crisis: Crisi Econòmica, Segregació Urbana i Innovació Social (Tirant Humanitats, 2018).